We would like to introduce you to Dhara Rami, our Therapy Manager. Dhara is highly qualified and knowledgeable, with more than ten years’ experience – and it is her role to oversee the physiotherapy services we offer here at Belgravia Healthcare.

We caught up with Dhara for a question and answer session about her role, some of the services we offer, and why physiotherapy is such a rewarding career for her:

Question: What does your role involve?

Dhara: As therapy manager at Belgravia, I work with many of our clients directly, going to their homes to provide ergonomic training, lymphatic drainage, pre- and post-natal care, and geriatric support. I also spend time talking to contacts at hospitals, sports clubs and clinics to ensure they are aware of our services and can recommend them to any clients who may need physio.

I am responsible for making sure our nurses are competent across all areas of physiotherapy, and I will often attend the client’s home to train the nurses there on moving and handling in an ergonomic way, which is the safest way for both the client and the nurses.

Q: How frequent are physiotherapy sessions and how long do they last?

D: The length and frequency of sessions really depends on what we are treating the client for. A typical session will last between 45 minutes and an hour – but for some people, such as stroke patients, we may offer a longer session. If someone has had a sports injury, they may need multiple sessions a week for a shorter time while they heal. But for maintenance, long-term or chronic issues, they may have fewer sessions a week over a longer period of time.

That is why it is so important to offer a personalised service, because people’s needs are so different and we must ensure we are offering the right therapies in the right way to get the best possible result.

Q: How do you combine yoga with physiotherapy?

D: I am a certified yoga teacher, which is really helpful when it comes to designing a therapy programme for a client. I am always ensuring they have got the correct posture when carrying out a series of movements or exercises. And I regularly use techniques from yoga to aid those with back or neck pain to give them really good results.

Q: Tell us about your work with breast cancer survivors?

D: I am a certified breast cancer rehabilitation specialist. I find a lot of patients may think they have got to wait until after their treatment to start a rehab programme, but that is not correct. You can start rehabilitation at any stage of your treatment. In fact, it is really useful to help deal with the side effects of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or surgeries.

Patients may receive a few rehab sessions within the hospital, but we find by going into their own home it is more comfortable and convenient for them.

Q: Is your job rewarding?

D: Absolutely. When I first joined the physiotherapy progamme, I was not sure what I wanted to specialise in, but I quickly developed an interest in treating musculoskeletal conditions and sports injuries.

I particularly enjoy delivering care to the elder population. When you deliver sessions, you build a relationship – you are able to learn from them and hear about their life experiences. When I can see them getting better, that is really rewarding. And when I see a smile on their face, I feel really happy for them.

If you would like to find out more about the wide range of physio we offer, you can click here or get in touch with one of our customer care team today!

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